Kamis, April 27, 2006
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Selasa, April 25, 2006
hati hati terhadap ucapanmu...
Aku telah melakukan suatu kesalahan..
kuucapkan kata kata yang membuat orang yang aku cintai merasa sedih,
aku mengerti kalau dia kemudian kecewa, juga marah ke aku..
berjuta perasaan pasti dia rasakan...
tapi dalam situasi seperti ini aku juga gak bisa berbuat apa apa...
permintaan maafku seolah tak berarti..
keinginanku untuk melakukan perbaikan juga tak digubris..
mulutmu adalah pisaumu,..
makanya hati hati kalau ngomong..
jaga perasaan dari orang yang diajak bicara...
kamu akan merasakan sakit ketika orang yang kamu sayang terluka oleh kata katamu,
hhhh.. sekarang, aku harus berbuat apa...
apa yang terucap sudah terucap...
tidak bisa dikubur kata kata lain,..
kuucapkan kata kata yang membuat orang yang aku cintai merasa sedih,
aku mengerti kalau dia kemudian kecewa, juga marah ke aku..
berjuta perasaan pasti dia rasakan...
tapi dalam situasi seperti ini aku juga gak bisa berbuat apa apa...
permintaan maafku seolah tak berarti..
keinginanku untuk melakukan perbaikan juga tak digubris..
mulutmu adalah pisaumu,..
makanya hati hati kalau ngomong..
jaga perasaan dari orang yang diajak bicara...
kamu akan merasakan sakit ketika orang yang kamu sayang terluka oleh kata katamu,
hhhh.. sekarang, aku harus berbuat apa...
apa yang terucap sudah terucap...
tidak bisa dikubur kata kata lain,..
quote of the day
"We learn by example and by direct experience because there are real limits to the adequacy of verbal instruction." Malcolm Gladwell |
Senin, April 17, 2006
pantai laut biru

Laut biru...
sebulan ini udah 3 pantai gue datengin..
Pantai Ancol (ini juga pantai kan?), Pantai Carita, dan Pantai Karang Bolong.
Sebenernya gue gak begitu suka ke pantai..kenapa? karena Panas..
iya gak sih,
justru itu yang membedakan pantai dengan gunung...
panas dan dingin..
tapi enaknya di pantai.. lo bisa memandang sampai nun jauh disana..
lautan luas terbentang.. sampai ujung cakrawala..
melihat biru yang bervariasi..
uuu.. i love it.
jadi inget iklan bentoel dulu: i love the blue of indonesia..
tapi asli, gue pingin banget datengin pantai yang bener2 bening airnya..
yang bisa ngelihat ke dasar laut...
yang gak kotor.. gak butek..
belum pernah tuh gue..
mau snorkling.. gak perlu sampai diving, karena belum bisa.. (belum nyoba)..
emang di bali pantainya bagus ya?
tapi nggak deh,.. udah kebanyakan turis..
maunya ke pantai yang sepi... nginep di pinggir pantai,
bakar ikan di pinggir pantai... pakai api unggun..
hmmm... mantap...
kapan ya... ?
-fajar, yang jarang jalan2-
Senin, April 03, 2006
lembur terus...
Ini lembur atau memanfaatkan fasilitas kantor sih... (?).
kerja nggak, cuma buka buka internet,
tapi ya beginilah nasib.... (lho kok)...
frankly speaking, jauh lebih enak kalo bisa pulang sore dari kantor,
lalu istirahat lebih cepat, menikmati sore menjelang malam dengan santai...
emang sih bisa nyantai juga di kantor... apalagi ada temen ngobrol...
tapi sesantai santai nya di kantor, tetap aja gak nyaman buat pikiran...
I agree yang namanya lembur bukan cara kerja yang efektif.
dengan jumlah jam kerja yang sama, gue yakin resultnya gak akan lebih baik atau sama dibanding apabila tugas2 dikerjakan pagi-sore hari (normal job hour)..
tapi keinginan untuk bekerja secara efektif sering dikalahkan 'niat baik' buat lembur.. kayaknya udah paham deh.. lembur itu dilandasi kebutuhan untuk menyukseskan program pemerintah.. agar masyarakat gemar menabung... menabung butuh uang.. dan lembur dapat uang...
jadinya ya gini deh...
lembur sih lembur, without significant result..
eh.. mau kerja dulu ah....
nanti nulis nulis lagi...
kerja nggak, cuma buka buka internet,
tapi ya beginilah nasib.... (lho kok)...
frankly speaking, jauh lebih enak kalo bisa pulang sore dari kantor,
lalu istirahat lebih cepat, menikmati sore menjelang malam dengan santai...
emang sih bisa nyantai juga di kantor... apalagi ada temen ngobrol...
tapi sesantai santai nya di kantor, tetap aja gak nyaman buat pikiran...
I agree yang namanya lembur bukan cara kerja yang efektif.
dengan jumlah jam kerja yang sama, gue yakin resultnya gak akan lebih baik atau sama dibanding apabila tugas2 dikerjakan pagi-sore hari (normal job hour)..
tapi keinginan untuk bekerja secara efektif sering dikalahkan 'niat baik' buat lembur.. kayaknya udah paham deh.. lembur itu dilandasi kebutuhan untuk menyukseskan program pemerintah.. agar masyarakat gemar menabung... menabung butuh uang.. dan lembur dapat uang...
jadinya ya gini deh...
lembur sih lembur, without significant result..
eh.. mau kerja dulu ah....
nanti nulis nulis lagi...
how will i know if i meet the person i should marry
(Gue dapet dari forward email.. bagus kok isinya.. apalagi ditutup dengan 'wait until your heart and head agree)
The choice of a marriage partner should not be based on "I get a warm,wonderful feeling whenever we're together and I want to have that warmwonderful feeling forever, so let's go get married". Feelings, as we havediscussed, have no logic on their own. They need to be acknowledged, ofcourse, but they need considerable assistance from your brain.
Marriage means choosing the person you will spend the rest of your lifewith. This, as you may have guessed, is a very long time to spend with oneperson.
This person will live with you, eat meals with you, sleep with you, and goon vacation with you. More important yet, this person will share yourchildren. You need to choose wisely. The decision should not be made basedon feelings alone. You need to ask yourself some tough questions. Thedecisions have tobe made on solid considerations.
Will this person be a good partner? Is she mature enough to put her ownselfish desires aside to look out for what is best for the family? Is heprepared to be a good provider? What is his track record? Is he responsibleenough to get a good job and keep it?
Will this person be a good parent? Can you stand the thought of yourchildren turning out exactly like this person? They will, you know. Childrenspend a lot of time with their parents and consequently pick up many or mostof their parents'character traits. You had better like your spouse's traitsa lot because you will be seeing them again in your children.
If something were to happen to you, would you completely trust this person,alone, with the ask of raising and forming your children? This is not apleasant thought, but it is an important consideration. Not everyone dies ata ripe old age with great grandchildren gathered around the bed. Sometimes aparent dies and leaves young children! in the care of the other parent. Ifyou feel that you would need to be around to correct or lessen this person'sinfluence on your children, then you are considering the wrong person.
Does this person share your faith in God? God does not give us children sothat we can mold them into the coolest, most popular people in school. Ourjob is to get them to heaven. To do that, we need to raise them believing inGod. It is tough to do that if only one parent believes.
Saying "this is right and this is wrong, and I want you to ignore Mommyuntil you are thirty-five" does not work. Small children ask about eightskillion questions in a single day. The answers to those questions go a longway toward forming the kind of adults they will become. Who will beanswering thosequestions for your children?
Does this person you are marrying have sexual self-control? Single peoplesometimes have this idea that marriage is just some kind of lifelong sexfestival and that as long as they have each other, they will never betempted by other people. Wrong! There are many times in every marriage whenone partner or the other is sexually unavailable - illness, the last monthsof pregnancy, travel. There are also times when spouses, just get on eachothers' nerves.
At times like this, other people can seem very appealing. That can bedangerous, because there are plenty of very attractive people out there whoare willing to make them available to married men and women. Do you wantsomeone who has never said "no" to sex? If he is not good at saying "no" ateighteen, it won't be different at forty. Do you want to worry about whetheror not your spouse is being faithful?
These are very important questions, and if you are not comfortable with allof the answers, you should definitely not marry this person. None if this isto say that feelings play no role at all in a marriagedecision. You don't have to, "Well,I suppose that you would make a goodspouse and parent, so even though I don't particularly like you I guess I'llmarry you'. You need to be happy and excited about the prospect of spendingyour life with someone. Your brain however, must acknowledge that thisperson as a good catch.
Don't listen to your heart alone or your head alone.Wait until your heartand head agree.
The choice of a marriage partner should not be based on "I get a warm,wonderful feeling whenever we're together and I want to have that warmwonderful feeling forever, so let's go get married". Feelings, as we havediscussed, have no logic on their own. They need to be acknowledged, ofcourse, but they need considerable assistance from your brain.
Marriage means choosing the person you will spend the rest of your lifewith. This, as you may have guessed, is a very long time to spend with oneperson.
This person will live with you, eat meals with you, sleep with you, and goon vacation with you. More important yet, this person will share yourchildren. You need to choose wisely. The decision should not be made basedon feelings alone. You need to ask yourself some tough questions. Thedecisions have tobe made on solid considerations.
Will this person be a good partner? Is she mature enough to put her ownselfish desires aside to look out for what is best for the family? Is heprepared to be a good provider? What is his track record? Is he responsibleenough to get a good job and keep it?
Will this person be a good parent? Can you stand the thought of yourchildren turning out exactly like this person? They will, you know. Childrenspend a lot of time with their parents and consequently pick up many or mostof their parents'character traits. You had better like your spouse's traitsa lot because you will be seeing them again in your children.
If something were to happen to you, would you completely trust this person,alone, with the ask of raising and forming your children? This is not apleasant thought, but it is an important consideration. Not everyone dies ata ripe old age with great grandchildren gathered around the bed. Sometimes aparent dies and leaves young children! in the care of the other parent. Ifyou feel that you would need to be around to correct or lessen this person'sinfluence on your children, then you are considering the wrong person.
Does this person share your faith in God? God does not give us children sothat we can mold them into the coolest, most popular people in school. Ourjob is to get them to heaven. To do that, we need to raise them believing inGod. It is tough to do that if only one parent believes.
Saying "this is right and this is wrong, and I want you to ignore Mommyuntil you are thirty-five" does not work. Small children ask about eightskillion questions in a single day. The answers to those questions go a longway toward forming the kind of adults they will become. Who will beanswering thosequestions for your children?
Does this person you are marrying have sexual self-control? Single peoplesometimes have this idea that marriage is just some kind of lifelong sexfestival and that as long as they have each other, they will never betempted by other people. Wrong! There are many times in every marriage whenone partner or the other is sexually unavailable - illness, the last monthsof pregnancy, travel. There are also times when spouses, just get on eachothers' nerves.
At times like this, other people can seem very appealing. That can bedangerous, because there are plenty of very attractive people out there whoare willing to make them available to married men and women. Do you wantsomeone who has never said "no" to sex? If he is not good at saying "no" ateighteen, it won't be different at forty. Do you want to worry about whetheror not your spouse is being faithful?
These are very important questions, and if you are not comfortable with allof the answers, you should definitely not marry this person. None if this isto say that feelings play no role at all in a marriagedecision. You don't have to, "Well,I suppose that you would make a goodspouse and parent, so even though I don't particularly like you I guess I'llmarry you'. You need to be happy and excited about the prospect of spendingyour life with someone. Your brain however, must acknowledge that thisperson as a good catch.
Don't listen to your heart alone or your head alone.Wait until your heartand head agree.
dari soe hok gie..
Hari ini aku lihat kembali
Wajah-wajah halus yang keras
Yang berbicara tentang kemerdekaaan
Dan demokrasi
Dan bercita-cita
Menggulingkan tiran
Aku mengenali mereka
yang tanpa tentara mau berperang melawan diktator
dan yang tanpa uang mau memberantas korupsi
Kuberikan padamu cintaku
Dan maukah kau berjabat tangan
Selalu dalam hidup ini?
Wajah-wajah halus yang keras
Yang berbicara tentang kemerdekaaan
Dan demokrasi
Dan bercita-cita
Menggulingkan tiran
Aku mengenali mereka
yang tanpa tentara mau berperang melawan diktator
dan yang tanpa uang mau memberantas korupsi
Kuberikan padamu cintaku
Dan maukah kau berjabat tangan
Selalu dalam hidup ini?
quote of the day
"it is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow."- Robert H Goddard, bapak roket modern,1904 -
gie, the movie
Beberapa hari yang lalu nonton VCD film: GIE. Baru nonton VCD nya soalnya dulu gak sempet nonton di bioskop.tapi kayaknya lebih enak nonton di VCD deh,
Sebelumnya gue dah pernah baca buku Catatan Seorang Demonstran, N mungkin karena udah baca bukunya, jadi ngerasa sepertinya film ini gak bisa memberi kesan atau gambaran yang lebih mengena tentang Soe Hok Gie dan keadaan bangsa kita saat itu..
Karakter seseorang bisa dilihat dari ucapan2nya.. and buku Catatan Seorang Demonstran menuliskan pikiran2 Gie lebih banyak lagi...but anyway, salut buat Riri Riza and team. Its a good movie, riri riza mampu menceritakan dalam waktu singkat, siapa Soe Hok Gie itu,..
Not much to tell again about Gie on the movie..cuma jelas:
SOE HOK GIE is unbelievable... incredible.. awesome... membanggakan... TOP abizz..
(udah ah , gak mau serius mbahas Gie, biar orang2 pada lihat film nya,n baca Catatan seorang Demonstran.biar bisa lebih mengenal lagi sesosok manusia yang hidupnya berarti... walaupum mati muda )
hey, I like the song on the movie...
Donna Donna Donna
On a wagon bound for market
there`s a calf with a mournful eye.
High above him there`s a swallow,
winging swiftly through the sky.
How the winds are laughing,
they laugh with all their might.
Laugh and laugh the whole day through,
and half the summer's night.
Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna;
Donna, Donna, Donna, Don.
Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna;
Donna, Donna, Donna, Don.
"Stop complaining!“ said the farmer,
Who told you a calf to be ?
Why don`t you have wings to fly with,
like the swallow so proud and free?
Calves are easily bound and slaughtered,
never knowing the reason why.
But whoever treasures freedom,
like the swallow has learned to fly.
Sebelumnya gue dah pernah baca buku Catatan Seorang Demonstran, N mungkin karena udah baca bukunya, jadi ngerasa sepertinya film ini gak bisa memberi kesan atau gambaran yang lebih mengena tentang Soe Hok Gie dan keadaan bangsa kita saat itu..
Karakter seseorang bisa dilihat dari ucapan2nya.. and buku Catatan Seorang Demonstran menuliskan pikiran2 Gie lebih banyak lagi...but anyway, salut buat Riri Riza and team. Its a good movie, riri riza mampu menceritakan dalam waktu singkat, siapa Soe Hok Gie itu,..
Not much to tell again about Gie on the movie..cuma jelas:
SOE HOK GIE is unbelievable... incredible.. awesome... membanggakan... TOP abizz..
(udah ah , gak mau serius mbahas Gie, biar orang2 pada lihat film nya,n baca Catatan seorang Demonstran.biar bisa lebih mengenal lagi sesosok manusia yang hidupnya berarti... walaupum mati muda )
hey, I like the song on the movie...
Donna Donna Donna
On a wagon bound for market
there`s a calf with a mournful eye.
High above him there`s a swallow,
winging swiftly through the sky.
How the winds are laughing,
they laugh with all their might.
Laugh and laugh the whole day through,
and half the summer's night.
Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna;
Donna, Donna, Donna, Don.
Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna;
Donna, Donna, Donna, Don.
"Stop complaining!“ said the farmer,
Who told you a calf to be ?
Why don`t you have wings to fly with,
like the swallow so proud and free?
Calves are easily bound and slaughtered,
never knowing the reason why.
But whoever treasures freedom,
like the swallow has learned to fly.
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