Belajar dari pengalaman nyari dorongan bayi hari Sabtu (14/07/07) kemarin di ITC Cempaka Putih…I learn that ada some point yang harus diperhatikan dalam memilih baby stroller (disamping bentuk dan kualitas bahan)
Ini nih my brief 3 Point yang harus diperhatikan karena sering dilewatkan dalam memilih Baby Stroller atau yang disebut juga kereta dorong bayi… (ada kereta mendorong dorong bayi… ),.
tapi sebelum itu, pertanyaan dasar dulu : Ada rodanya apa nggak? Kalo ada. Bagus ... kita lanjut...
Please check:
- Semua rodanya bisa berputar apa nggak. Berputar vertical dan berputar horizontal. (bingung kan). Maksudnya.. apa rodanya free moving. Atau Cuma roda bagian depan aja yang free moving. Yang belakang statis. Kalo semuanya free moving.. lebih mudah mendorong2nya…
- Rodanya ada Shock breaker nya gak, seberapa empuk? (kebanyakan sih gak ada shock breaker atau per nya), kasihan bayinya kalo gak pake shock breaker.
- Keretanya bisa didorong reversible gak? Bisa didorong dari 2 arah. Jadi bisa didorong dengan bayi menghadap ke depan , atau bayi menghadap si pendorong.
Mudah2an membantu…
Senin, Juli 16, 2007
Kamis, Juli 12, 2007
Start Again...
Start it again... Its me, comeback as a married family man..
Commit for shifting from the crazy, exciting, exhilarating, breathtaking life in West Coast of Java.
Bubye dinasty, bubye Merpati, bubye titan arum, n off course..
To all the girls loved me before... I am sorry good bye..(sing it as KD).
Been quite a long time I did not post to this blog,
Kinda itchy to write again, yes.. people need to share…
Hmm.. to start it all over again,
I am trying to collect all memory, the experience and the deed..
And if I hv to write. I assume it will be divides in this chapters:
-1. Great experience,a memorable.
0. Good bye craziness.
1. Finding my angel
2. Commit for alife
- serang
3. Moving out the company
4. Ke Jakarta (n Bekasi) aku kan kembali
5. New environment, new thing to learn.
6. Expecting a Baby.
1. F1 Experience
2. Natuna
3. Jakarta flood (Jakarta oh Jakarta)
4. Learn to drive and speed up a bit
Well, this is the beginning… for a whole new life.. in this blogsite…
Commit for shifting from the crazy, exciting, exhilarating, breathtaking life in West Coast of Java.
Bubye dinasty, bubye Merpati, bubye titan arum, n off course..
To all the girls loved me before... I am sorry good bye..(sing it as KD).
Been quite a long time I did not post to this blog,
Kinda itchy to write again, yes.. people need to share…
Hmm.. to start it all over again,
I am trying to collect all memory, the experience and the deed..
And if I hv to write. I assume it will be divides in this chapters:
-1. Great experience,a memorable.
0. Good bye craziness.
1. Finding my angel
2. Commit for alife
- serang
3. Moving out the company
4. Ke Jakarta (n Bekasi) aku kan kembali
5. New environment, new thing to learn.
6. Expecting a Baby.
1. F1 Experience
2. Natuna
3. Jakarta flood (Jakarta oh Jakarta)
4. Learn to drive and speed up a bit
Well, this is the beginning… for a whole new life.. in this blogsite…
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